Our Wild World

A blog about the crazy, fascinating and downright unbelievable world of animals


Thanks for reading Our Wild World! This blog began as a passion project in 2013, and I have since uploaded posts on more than 400 different animals. The blog has been on hiatus for the last few years, as I shifted focus and began my own art business, Adlaya’s Art.

A little about me – I was born in Vancouver, B.C., and have always been obsessed with animals. When I was eighteen I left B.C. to go to school in Guelph, Ontario, where I currently reside. I earned my Bachelors in Animal Science and a Master’s in Animal Behaviour and Welfare from the University of Guelph, and have since taken that knowledge and become a Certified Professional Dog Trainer.

Though Our Wild World is full of great facts, I have tried to keep it as accessible to a wider audience as possible – it is not meant to be an exhaustive resource on every species. Though I have a deep knowledge of the principles of animal behaviour and of many domestic species, I am by no means an expert on all wildlife. I highly encourage you to research species of interest on your own if you are interested in learning more about a particular animal. And if you spot a mistake, please let me know, I’m happy to fix any errors I’ve made!

Cheers, and enjoy the blog!

5 thoughts on “About

  1. I’d like to contact you concerning a photo credit for one of your posts, but I can’t find a contact link anywhere on this site. Should I just comment on the post in question? Or is there some way I can email you?

  2. Hello – I just stumbled across your blog and it’s wonderful!! I just started learning about animals as I fell a bit in love with wild life photography when travelling the world last year. I try to find things out about them and put on my twitter and this will be a great source of knowledge. You are welcome to use any pictures I have – which is many. I’m far from professional, but some pictures are quite good – mostly because of the models themselves. So… if you are doing any animal from Central or South America then feel free to get in touch. Sally Lightfooted crabs were everywhere in the galapagos 🙂

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